2015년 1월 26일 월요일

[Eye plasty] No more Sleepy eyes! Simple surgery without incision

[Eye plasty]
No more Sleepy eyes!
Simple surgery without incision
Eyes are very important part of the face
that can change entire image with subtle difference
If you have sleepy eyes, It doesn't give bright image
Here is very simple surgery that can change your entire image
TL Plastic surgery's Ptosis correction
What is Ptosis correction?
If your upper eyelid muscle's power is not strong enough to open the eyes,
You will have to use forehead muscle to open the eyes.
It could cause the headache or forehead wrinkles as well.
Like you can see in this picture above,
If your upper eyelid is covering the pupil,
Your eyes look sleepy, not bright.
TL Plastic surgery's Non incisional ptosis correction
can make your eyes brighter and clearer
without incision or scar!

Can you believe that These two photos are from the same girl?
She had Incisonal Ptosis correction at
TL Plastic surgery
Look How different her image has changed,
This simple surgery gives her totally different image.

Information of Non incisional ptosis correction
surgery time:30 minutes
anesthesia: Sleeping and Local anesthesia
stitches out: A week later
recovery: For 1~2 weeks

For more information about Ptosis correction at TL Plastic surgery
Contact us right now for free consultation

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