2014년 8월 21일 목요일

[Facial contouring] Be chic with slim and smooth Face contour

[Facial contouring]
Be chic with slim and smooth Face contour
Balanced face contour can make your entire image to be sophisticated 
Angled and Wide face gives masculine and dull image
You can get smoother and more adorable image
with Facial coutouring surgery at TL PS

TL Plastic surgery performs facial contouring surgery
through 1:1 customized consultation and design
to find the most beautiful face line for you
Prominent angled square jaw under the ear + U line blunt chin
=Bigger looking face
=Masculine and unchic
=looks Older than your age
Slim V line face from front + Smooth jaw line from side
=Smaller looking face
=Feminine and sophisticated
=looks Younger than your age  
◆ Front
Reduce side jaw bone as well to complete the slim V line from front
◆ Side
Shape the bone from under the ear to end of chin to complete smooth face line
◆Long curved square jaw reduction at TL Plastic surgery
analyse your face bone structure precisely with 3D CT
to perform safe and accuratte V line surgery
Information of Long curved square jaw redction
Surgery time: about 1 hour 30 min.
Anesthesia: General anesthesia
Hospitalization: One night
Stitches out: After 2 weeks
Oral care: Use mouth wash after meals for 2 weeks
Swelling: For about a week
Surgery effect: After 2,3 weeks

For more information about Facial contouring at TL PS
+82 70-4579-2820

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